The Collab Culture Membership
The Collab Culture community is a monthly subscription based membership. Meetings are arranged in a 4 week rotation (with some occasional adjustments due to space availability, other scheduling conflicts, avoiding the holidays, etc.). Meetings are on Thursday mornings at 10am (in person from 10-12am and online from 10-11am). Standard meeting rotation is as follows:
Week 1: Virtual Networking (Zoom/Private Online Community)
Week 2: Monthly Member Meeting (in person; location varies)
Week 3: Virtual Education (Zoom/Private Online Community)
Week 4: Coffee and Connections (in person; location varies)
The Membership
Monthly in-person meetings + networking
Monthly virtual education + networking
Subject matter expert education, training, & workshops
Weekly accountability texts/emails
Exclusive access to Collab Culture members-only special events
Listing in Collab Culture Business Directory
Access to Collab Culture Private Online Community
Access to all previous archived trainings
Downloadable Resources
*this is a monthly subscription with a 30-day notice to cancel
Experience what we have to offer!
Friend, the best way to learn about the magic of Collab Culture is to see it for yourself. Watch the video below to see the power of community over competition and to see the incredible value a Collab Culture membership can bring to your life.