The Collab Culture Membership

The Collab Culture community is a monthly subscription based membership. Meetings are arranged in a 4 week rotation (with some occasional adjustments due to space availability, other scheduling conflicts, avoiding the holidays, etc.). Meetings are on Wednesday mornings at 9am (in person from 9-11am and online from 9-10am). Standard meeting rotation is as follows:

Week 1: Virtual Networking (Zoom/Private Online Community)

Week 2: Coffee + Co-Working (in person; locations vary)

Week 3: Virtual Education (Zoom/Private Online Community)

Week 4: Monthly Member Meeting (in person; located at the Peoria Sports Complex Colonnade)



The Membership

  • Monthly in-person meetings + networking

  • Monthly virtual education + networking

  • Subject matter expert education, training, & workshops

  • Weekly accountability texts/emails

  • Exclusive access to Collab Culture members-only special events

  • Listing in Collab Culture Business Directory

  • Access to Collab Culture Private Online Community

  • Access to all previous archived trainings

  • Downloadable Resources

    *this is a monthly subscription with a 30-day notice to cancel

CEO Roundtable

This is for you IF:

You manage a team of employees

You desire more strategic growth, higher-level discussions and more advanced speaking topics

You’re looking to scale your 6 or 7 figure business

You desire a more intimate mastermind-style setting

You’re at a place in business where the monthly investment is a no brainer

See below for what’s included:



CEO Roundtable

This membership comes with everything in our traditional membership PLUS:

  • Monthly Virtual Meeting (format alternates between high level expert QA sessions and collaborative masterminding discussions): 2nd Thursdays 12-1pm

  • Quarterly Strategic Planning Mastermind Session (In Person; 9a-12p): 2025 dates include February 27, May 15, August 21 + November 20

  • Private Circle group for post session discussions and follow up accountability

Experience what we have to offer!

Friend, the best way to learn about the magic of Collab Culture is to see it for yourself. Watch the video below to see the power of community over competition and to see the incredible value a Collab Culture membership can bring to your life.


See what we’re up to!